Wednesday, October 12, 2011

IN TIME OF WAR, A PLACE OF PEACE: Site in Turkey honored as home of Mary by Christians and Muslims

9/27/2011 - 1:14 PM PST
Catholic PRWire
Charlotte, NC (September 27, 2011) - Ten years after the horrific events of September 11, 2001, relations between Muslims and Christians continue to suffer deep wounds, with conflicts between the world’s two largest faiths simmering and flaring across the globe. But at a humble site in Ephesus, Turkey, these wounds are beginning to heal as Muslims and Christians gather together in silent prayer at a house they believe once sheltered the Virgin Mary.

The remarkable story of this special house is told in a new book from Saint Benedict Press, The Life of Sr. Marie de Mandat-Grancey and Mary’s House in Ephesus.
The book recounts the inspiring story of Sister Marie, who gave up a life of opulence to serve the poor as one of the Daughters of Charity. Inspired by the writings and visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, Sr. Marie embarked on a mission to rediscover the lost house at Ephesus which, according to ancient tradition, was built for Mary by the Apostle John.

After years of trials and setbacks, on June 29, 1891 Sr. Marie discovered a house that matched the one seen by Anne Catherine Emmerich in her visions. Sr. Marie acquired and restored the home, and today it is a place of pilgrimage, not only for Catholics but for people of all faiths.

Many are surprised by the significant Muslim presence at Mary’s house. “I was astonished to learn that Muslims visit this House to honor Mary, Mother of Jesus each August 15th…the Catholic Feast of the Assumption of Mary,” says Lorraine Fusaro, who, together with her friend Erin von Uffel, is a leading lay proponent of Sr. Marie’s cause for canonization. The House is “a singular place in the world,” says Fusaro, “where Christians and Muslims pray together in their own way to God the Father while honoring Jesus’ Mother, Mary.”

Mary’s House maintains a tradition of silence and prayer, serving as a place where arguments and tensions between religions—whether Christian, Orthodox, Muslim, or Jewish—give way to silent reverence for the Mother of Jesus. In a time torn by division, the unity and peace found in the home and hospitality of Mary serve as a beacon of hope for forgiveness and peace. The Life of Sr. Marie de Mandat-Grancey and Mary’s House in Ephesus brings this stunning story of faith and message of peace to life.

Contact:Saint Benedict Press, LLC/TAN Books NC, 28273 US
Catherine Brandolini - Publicity Assistant/Copywriter, -704.731.0651
Keywords:Mary's house, Muslims, Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Sr. Marie de Mandat-Grancey, interfaith, Ephesus