Friday, July 6, 2012

Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Sr. Marie

Please join us at the Sr. Marie Foundation as begin tomorrow, First Saturday, the Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and finish on July 15, the Eve of Commemoration of Our Lady of Mt Carmel~ July 16.  Follow the "Read More" prompt just below to enjoy a piece written by Erin von Uffel, President of the Sr. Marie de Mandat-Grancey Foundation. In it she tells the amazing story of how the Sr. Marie prayer was written and it's close association with Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The Sr. Marie prayer came to be in the Church dedicated to Our Lady of Mt Carmel in London!  Let's ask Sr. Marie to bring our petitions to Our Lady of Mt Carmel during this Novena and keep each other in prayer.

Wear your Brown Scapular in her honor! 

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The Prayer
by Erin von Uffel
           While I was living in London I was invited to a luncheon. I made reference to the woman next to me of my devotion to the Saints. She told me I needed to meet her friend, who had in her husband's family, 2 Popes, many Saints and the Foundress of Mary’s House in Ephesus.
I did meet her friend and was most interested in hearing about the relative, Sr. Marie de Mandat-Grancey, DC, who was the Foundress of Mary's House in Ephesus. I already knew of Mary’s home in Turkey and would often tell anyone going to Turkey, to seek out this holy house. When I heard all about Sr.Marie's holy childhood and virtuous life renouncing her aristocracy and preferring be a poor servant for God and of her total devotion to Jesus and love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I didn’t understand why she was not already a saint. Her relative said it was due to all of the wars after she died. The family had been approached as recent as the 1960’s to start a Beatification Cause for her, the first move towards sanctity. But, it fell though the cracks again. I felt so bad when I heard that. In fact, that was the exact moment I became involved, although I didn’t know it at the time. God knew my heart broke for Sr. Marie, who gave all she had for others.
       When the relative of Sr. Marie went to Ephesus for the 1st time, she invited me to join her. I went with her and witnessed Turkish people, from various religions, come out of the woodwork to meet the ancestor of Sr. Marie! They had not forgotten Sr. Marie and they were eager to thank this family member for all of Sr. Marie's efforts to find, preserve and protect the House of Mary, Meryem Ana Evi, as they called it. That visit left a profound impression on me.
After the trip I I went to speak with Fr. Ignatius, an Irish Carmelite Priest, who was my spiritual director while living in London. I told him everything that happened on the trip and since the trip, I now had a constant feeling Sr. Marie needed our help in some way. He stated with great urgency and seriousness, “God has an important mission for Sr. Marie and she needs prayers from everyone in the world to accomplish this work for God!” I was stunned at what Fr. Ignatius said. It was said with such authority, as though commissioned by God Himself. I knew this was really important, it was a moment etched into my soul. I began to see this could be a very big plan for Sr. Marie, and this plan could possibly unfold in my lifetime. This was the time following the terror of 911.
Fr. Ignatius and I wrote the prayer to Sr. Marie, right at that moment, in Our Lady of Mt.Carmel Church in London. Then Fr. Ignatius Mac Donald pointed straight into my soul and said, “You need to print this up, and get it to everyone in the whole world!” His words went deep into my soul and I felt the gravity of the mission Sr. Marie must have for God. I went directly to a printer, made copies of the prayer and gave them to everyone in my path. I handed bunches of the prayer cards to friends and asked them to bring them to their home countries to spread and ask their friends and families to pray to Sr. Marie, to gather the prayers Fr. Ignatius said she needs to accomplish God's mission. These Sr. Marie prayer cards were distributed around the world, thanks to London being such an international city.
My next trip to Ephesus I met with Archbishop Bernardini. I told him everything that happened and showed him the prayer card of Sr. Marie and asked for his Imprimatur. It happened to be the same exact day Anne Catherine Emmerich was Beatified. He gave his permission for the Imprimatur! When I returned home, (our family had moved back to NY) I reprinted the prayer card now with the Imprimatur, healings started to take place by those praying this prayer to Sr. Marie, some healings happened in front of my eyes, as the prayer card would touch their bodies! It was truly amazing! If God gives permission to Sr. Marie to intercede there isn't anything she can not do for you! Many more healing testimonies were sent to us stating they knew someone who prayed to Sr. Marie and they were healed. Many more people wrote to us telling how they did not know Sr. Marie but they were hopeful she could help them. They thought, why not try this, it can't hurt, they would ask her for a favor too, and....... God did allow her to help them too!
I often think back on how all of this started and what an important role a Carmelite Priest, Fr. Ignatius, had in the plan of God and hopefully, in the making of a Saint! He was one of the holiest Priest's of ever met. He is now with God and SERVANT OF GOD, Sr. Marie, he fully understands God's plan for SR. Marie and our world. Please help me gather the prayers Fr. Ignatius said Sr. Marie needs to accomplish her mission for God. Print your own prayer card using our PDF on this site. Email it to your friends and family around the world, go to your own printer, have them printed and sprinkle the cards around, hand them to your friends and have them distribute them too. We do not know what will happen or how many blessings, favors, healings and perhaps even the miracle Sr. Marie needs for her Beatification, through the permission of God, may come from your response to this simple story that began with the prompting of a Carmelite Priest. Fr. Ignatius, pray for us and pray that Sr. Marie is raised to the Altar of the Saints, if that is indeed God's will, Amen!