Sunday, January 20, 2013

St. Agnes and Sr. Marie - Jan 21

January 21st is the Feast Day of St. Agnes.  St. Agnes is the Patroness of the Diocese of Rockville Center in which we at the Foundation for the Cause for the Beatification for Sr. Marie reside.  It is under the patronage of St. Agnes that the Cause for Sr. Marie had its beginnings.  Imagine our joy when it was this very day, January 21 in 2011, that was chosen by the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph as they day to open the Cause!  What a heavenly surprise for us all when we realized God's plans for this timing.  There are no coincidences with God.  Please join us in prayer (below) honoring St. Agnes and thanking God for blessing us by choosing the Feast Day of the Patroness of our Diocese to open the Cause for the Beatification of Sr. Marie.  Happy Anniversary to Sr. Marie!

Feast of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr is Monday, January 20th
O glorious St. Agnes,
you served God in humility and confidence on earth
and are now in the enjoyment of His beatific Vision in heaven
because you persevered till death
and gained the crown of eternal life.
Remember now the dangers
that surround me in the vale of tears,
and intercede for me in my needs and troubles.
(mention your intentions)
Let us gain courage
for our own battle
by honoring the martyrdom
of the glorious virgin Agnes,
St. Agnes, vessel of honor,
flower of unfading fragrance,
beloved of the choirs of Angels,
you are an example to
the worth of virtue and chastity.
O you who wear a Martyr's
palm and a virgin's wreath,
pray for us that, though
unworthy of a special crown,
we may have our names
written in the list of Saints.