Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pandemic Novena Day 2, Palm Sunday

As we stay in our homes during Holy Week in these days of the pandemic let us be inspired to unite spiritually with each other and with Mary in her little home in Ephesus.  Let us pray for Mary's children in the world, those suffering, those dying and those who have died from this pandemic. We begin today, First Saturday, and finish on Easter Sunday, praying for the new life and hope of the Resurrection to permeate and overcome the darkness and sorrow of this Lent 2020.

Let's call to mind Sr. Marie who, during her life, was in charge of the dispensary and hospital in Izmir, Turkey as we pray for all medical personal around the world.  Sr. Marie dispensed all remedies and healing medicines to her staff and was in charge of the daily operations of the hospital. She was a most tender and attentive nurse maid to the sick and suffering.

Sr. Marie found, restored, and protected the House of Mary in Ephesus.  The humble home where St. John brought Mary to safety after Jesus' death and resurrection.  In this home Mary was cared for and protected. On this holy ground on the little hill behind the modest house, Our Mother Mary created and prayed the first Stations of the Cross and lived out her remaining days praying them each day...upon this holy ground her tears fell. As we stay in our homes this Holy Week in these remaining days of Lent, may we welcome Mary to dwell with us and pray the Stations of the Cross with us.  May the Mother of Sorrows bring us her peace even amidst our current sorrows as we unite them  with hers as she endured the Passion and death of her crucified son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

May Sr. Marie, who restored and protected Mary's House in Ephesus, pray for our restoration and protection...and resurrection to new life in Christ as we anticipate Easter.  Amen.

Please pray the Sr. Marie prayer.