Sr. Marie DeMandat- Grancey: True Daughter of Charity, Foundress of Mary's House
Order the DVD as seen on EWTN! Chronicles the life of Sr. Marie, Foundress of Mary's House, who gave up wealth, power and position to serve the poor, the sick, and the orphaned with the Daughters of Charity. Sr. Marie's zeal to find Mary's House, inspired by her strong desire to follow the writings of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, resulted in the expedition that would locate Mary’s House in 1891 exactly where Bl. Anne said it would be. Not only did Sr. Marie provide the financial means to acquire the entire area of Panagia Copouli [1], but she spent 12 years bringing this acquisition to fruition; then she tirelessly labored for many more years to restore, preserve and protect Mary's House. Now for the past 100+ years pilgrims of all faiths, including Muslims and Christians, pray peacefully side by side there honoring Mary, Mother of Jesus. Let us be cognisant of the holy ground that Our Lady has already established for unity in this world. Let us learn more about Mary's House and honor Sr. Marie, Foundress of Mary's House, to whom we owe gratitude for this beacon of hope in this troubled world. Send your order request to The Sr. Marie DeMandat-Grancey Foundation, P.O. Box 275, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 ($15.00; includes postage)
[1] Panaghia Capouli or “The Door of the Holiest,” is a term that has come to refer not only to the Holy Virgin’s House, Meryem Ana Evi, but also many surrounding areas of Ephesus including the grave of the Blessed Virgin, the Chapel built and rebuilt in this place by devotees over the years, and the Way of the Cross carved into the hill where Our Lady once walked and prayed.