There are the dreamers. Thank God for them; the mystics, prophets, messengers, visionaries. Throughout human history, in His abundant mercy, Our Father in Heaven breaks through the boundaries of human senses, lifts the veil between heaven and earth, and directs His people giving us messages of love and hope or chastisement through His prophets. So many figures from Bible History come to mind: Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Isaiah, St. John the Baptist and the list goes on and on. These messengers of God are all considered part of God’s public revelation. We have all learned about them and how the people of their time reacted to God’s direct intervention in their lives. Sometimes we listened and changed our ways to suit Our Father, and sometimes we did not. Many of these dreamers were do-ers too, but some were solely messengers for God.
Our God, Our Father, is so intimately involved with each of His creatures. He will never forsake us nor will he leave us orphans. He has told us this again and again throughout history using the mouths of his visionaries and prophets. And, He did not stop revealing Himself after sending His Son to redeem us. He continues. And the Church, thank God, discerns these private revelations for us so we can be sure of the voice of God. We can certainly see for ourselves the authenticity of a private revelation by its fruit.
Then there are the do-ers; the ones who do something about God’s revelation; who respond. They may never have directly “heard” a word from God but their hearts and souls take action at God’s revelation coming from the mystics. They make things happen. What would we do without them? Their names are often hidden but their contribution to the accomplishment of God’s will is crucial to its fulfillment. And they are examples of faith. Jesus tells us “blessed are those who believe yet do not see.” The do-ers act on faith inspired by their love of God. God gives them these gifts of love and faith in abundant measure so that they know His will without a vision or locution. Although the veil to heavenly visions and words remains closed, they have the gift of faith. They listen and see with their hearts and souls, not their eyes or ears. In turn, their works of love and faith-in-action give us hope. They are models for us.
One such do-er was Sr. Marie DeMandat-Grancey. She knew her faith well and had a deep love and devotion to Our Lady. She heard the private revelations of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and she responded…against all odds…to make sure that Mary’s House as revealed through the mystic would be found and preserved for all God’s children. The battles she fought on every level to achieve this work for God would have wilted the faint of heart. But not Sr. Marie. Her heart was strong because it was given to God. Her faith was heroic. Her work was heroic. And the fruit of her effort is this singular place of peace where all people of all faiths come to honor the Mother of God. It is miraculous. What would the world be like without this Holy House; without the unity of prayers for peace that are its fruit? Jesus hears the prayers for peace from His people who unite in the Heart of His Mother Mary. Mary, our Mother too, begs Him on our behalf. And Jesus never says no to His Mother. There lies our hope. We owe Sr. Marie an eternal debt of gratitude indeed.
Sr. Marie De Mandat-Grancey Foundation
P.O.Box 275
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USA
P.O.Box 275
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USA
" I am not a priest and cannot bless them, but all that the heart of a mother can ask of God for her children, I ask of Him and will never cease to ask Him." ~ Sister Marie

“The grace of our Lord be with us forever.” ~ Sr. Marie