Story of the devotion: (excerpt from a booklet that accompanies the Chaplet)
"On November 8, 1929, Sister Amalia, her heart moved by the grief of a relative whose wife was critically ill, sought Jesus in the Tabernacle and pleaded that she might give her own life for this mother of little children. So sincere was the desire of this Sister who bears the Holy Stigmata that Our Lord spoke to her, telling her how to pray to attain this grace. Jesus said: "Pray to me in behalf of my mother's tears, I shall gladly grant them." Sister Amalia bent low her head as she reflected on the Tears of Our Lady. "How shall I pray?" she asked humbly. "O Jesus, listen to our prayers in behalf of your holy mother's tears. O Jesus, look down upon the tears of her who loved you best on earth and most deeply loves you now in heaven," was the answer." ... "Later my mother will give the treasure of her tears to my beloved institute as a magnet of mercy."
How to pray the Chaplet: (can be prayed on a Seven Sorrows Rosary or a regular Rosary)
Begin as follows:
Replace the Creed with:"Crucified Jesus! Kneeling at Your feet, we offer to You the tears of the one who, with deep and compassionate love, accompanied You on Your Sorrowful way of the Cross. Oh Good Savior, grant that we take to heart the teachings given us by the tears of Your Most Holy Mother, so that we may accomplish Your divine will on earth and may be made worthy to honor and glorify You in heaven throughout all eternity."
Go directly to the large bead before the medal centerpiece:
Replace the Our Father's with:
V. "O Jesus, behold the tears of the one who loved You most on earth,"
R. "And who loves You most ardently in Heaven."
Replace the Hail Mary's with:
V. "O Jesus, hear our prayers,"
R. "For the sake of the tears of Your most Holy Mother."
At the end of the Chaplet repeat three times on the three small beads:
V. "O Jesus, behold the tears of the one who lover You most on earth,
R. "And who loves you most ardently in heaven."
Say the following prayer at the end of the Chaplet:
"O Mary, Mother of love, Mother of Sorrow, and Mother of Mercy, we beg you to unite your petitions with ours so that Your Divine Son, Jesus, to Whom we now turn in the name of your motherly tears, answers our prayers and, with the graces we ask for, grant us the Kingdom of eternal life." Amen.Pray along on You Tube with this Rosary of Tears including a meditation on each of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUy5GtgQFEg Also visit this awesome blog Children of the Tears.