by Mary Laura Leddy (1881-1965)
Little House of Our Lady,
Restored and standing anew
From centuries' devastation,
On a mountainside she knew.
She came to you for haven
From a land beset with strife,
Far from the stress and tumult
That threatened her holy life.
You sheltered her in her sorrow,
Quietly soothing her fears,
Filling the lonely hours
Throughout her declining years.
Warmth from your hearthstone fire,
Its light on the walls aglow,
Brought to her peace and comfort
That only she could know.
Little house, she still remembers
Your gracious and tender care,
And comes on light rays from heaven
To the dim-lit chapel there.
Eyes have beheld her beauty,
Minds have been freed from all fear,
Hearts rejoice in the message
Of Our Lady standing near.
For a short biography on Mary Laura Leddy visit:
Sr. Marie De Mandat-Grancey Foundation
P.O.Box 275
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USA
P.O.Box 275
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USA
" I am not a priest and cannot bless them, but all that the heart of a mother can ask of God for her children, I ask of Him and will never cease to ask Him." ~ Sister Marie

“The grace of our Lord be with us forever.” ~ Sr. Marie