From Katie's Grandfather, Harold:
My eighth grade grand-daughter Katie has cancer in her Sinus cavity and it was diagnosed as a very aggressive strain. She has undergone a series of "Chemo" treatments and radiation but the cancer is still there. Of course our family, friends, classmates and relatives have all been praying for her, which brings me to my request. Would you consider a prayer crusade to Sister Marie de Mandat -Grancey, for the cure of Katie's cancer?
Yes, Harold. It would be a blessing to do so. Katie will have our heart felt prayers as we ask God to heal her through the intercession of Sr. Marie.
Please join this crusade of prayer. Please print out and pray the Sr. Marie Prayer every day for young Katie. Sr. Marie loved children and was a gifted nurse. May Sr. Marie look after every detail of Katie's care and pray for her to God our loving Father and on behalf of her family, all of her doctors, nurses, and caregivers. Sr. Marie, Servant of God, pray for Katie. Amen.
Sr. Marie De Mandat-Grancey Foundation
P.O.Box 275
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USA
P.O.Box 275
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USA
" I am not a priest and cannot bless them, but all that the heart of a mother can ask of God for her children, I ask of Him and will never cease to ask Him." ~ Sister Marie

“The grace of our Lord be with us forever.” ~ Sr. Marie